Monday, 19 January 2009

A Crime Caper With An Ensemble Cast

The crime genre is a film that contains crime in some way or another. Whether it be a robbery or a drug related crime. There are many different types of crime films including crime thrillers and crime comedies. Allot of crime films are connected to the movements of the mafia. Crime thrillers include films like 'Seven' and "Running Scared'.
A caper is a film with some sort of comedy. It means a prank or trick. When it is included in the crime genre it makes the crime more forgivable and more like a crime comedy than a serious one. Crime cares are films such as Oceans 11,12 and 13.
An ensemble cast is a cast in which the principal performers are assigned roughly equal amounts of importance in a dramatic production. So the Oceans films are very good examples of crime capers with an ensemble cast as they are crime films that have some sense of comedy and it is more light hearted than some other crime films. The oceans films also all have ensemble casts as the key players in the game always have an equal role to play.



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