Thursday 5 March 2009

Project criteria & What level we think we are working at?

Our 'Test Screening' suggested that we are working at a Level 3, maybe a Level 4, with a mark between 40-60.
We think that we are a strong Level 3 as we have included both diagetic and non-diagetic soundtrack that we have created ourselves. We researched the soundtrack and found that British Social Realism dramas use upbeat ska tracks, so that is what we tried to create.
A variety of camera shots have been filmed in relevant locations to contrast the two different classes.
we have used naturalistic and realistic costume to fit with the genre.
The titles need to be made smaller and not overlap onto the footage, (stay within the black areas).

Level 3 Criteria:
There is evidence of proficiency in the creative use of many of the following technical skills, holding shot steady, where appropriate.



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